Michael Rectenwald

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(Audio): Michael Rectenwald on the Great Reset and what to do about it: Episode 121

Guest Dr. Michael Rectenwald, professor of Global Liberal Studies at New York University 2008-2019, at one point a committed communist and current writer for Mises, joins Kim and Susan to discuss The Great Reset. Dr. Rectenwald states that The Great Reset is a combination of propaganda and conspiracy. It is wrapped around the World Economic Forum and the United Nations. This movement will transform the economy from a shareholder economy to a stakeholder economy, one that will be controlled by the government. There will be loss of small business to reduce production and consumption. Bill Gates on a TED Talk discussed population control through vaccinations. Transhumanism would take humans to a higher type through the use of chips placed on the brain. Dr. Rectenwald calls for the rejection of The Great Reset to restore personal liberty and a flourishing economy. The Kim Monson Show. 12 January 2021. (Click here or on title.)