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The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda is the definitive treatment of the Great Reset. In a scholarly examination, Rectenwald treats the various components of the Great Reset, including the economic system it establishes, the deep history of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the population control “ethics” of the WEF and related globalist organizations, climate change catastrophism, the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (including transhumanism), and the question of conspiracy theory. Rectenwald ends with a nine-point plan for stopping the Great Reset in its tracks, as part of what he calls the Grand Refusal. Far from a conspiratorial rant, The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty is a thoroughly sourced account that lays bare the premises and implications of the Great Reset project.
Praise for The Great Reset and the Struggle For Liberty
“Michael Rectenwald’s The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty is a masterful and timely work of intellectual history from one of our time’s most courageous dissident voices. With extensive research in various disciplines — from European history and sociology to American finance, and from AI to climate science — Rectenwald gives us a sweeping and detailed account of the false prophets of an anti-human movement threatening to engulf America and other Western democracies. This tour-de-force is essential reading for those engaged in the ongoing struggle to preserve man’s freedom and future against totalitarianism — and a lasting testament of hope, faith, and love for the generations to come.” — Lee Smith, author of The Permanent Coup and The Plot Against the President, host of The Epoch Times’ Over the Target.
“When you first hear what the world's elites are up to, you think: this can't be true. Unfortunately, dear reader, it is, and we do ourselves no favors by pretending otherwise. In fact, as Michael Rectenwald shows us, their current program didn't emerge just a year or two ago, but is instead the culmination of a century-long effort against the liberties of the people. You'll see how their current obsessions -- woke ideology, ‘climate change,’ vaccine passports, and so on -- combine to solidify their dominance. This book lays out, in their own words, their plans and intentions, and what we can do to stop them.” — Tom Woods, senior fellow of the Mises Institute and host of The Tom Woods Show.
“Michael Rectenwald’s new book, The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda isn’t just his best book yet. It’s one of the most important books of this generation.” — Harrison Koehli, Political Ponerology
Reviews of The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda
“The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty - Reviewing Michael Rectenwald's excellent new book.” By Harrison Koehli. Political Ponerology. 9 February 2023.
Thought Criminal (A novel by Michael Rectenwald)
“The 1984 of the COVID era.”
A distinguished Professor of AI-neuroscience and Theory of Mind, Cayce Varin has dissident thoughts. He differs from acceptable opinion on matters of grave importance to respectable Human Biologicals and the Federation of Pandemos, the global state. Upon confessing his divergent theories to a Graduate Student Assistant, his life is never the same. He is labeled a Thought Deviationist, among other damning designations. He is arrested by a Robot Police Agent and soon released but remains a covert Thought Deviationist living under the constant fear of future arrest, the treachery of friends, and the loss of his identity.
Praise for Thought Criminal
“Michael Rectenwald has written a thought experiment for our time, the 1984 of the COVID era, where we can step back and view today's America for what it is: a society infected not by a virus but by collective hysteria. Thought Criminal explores the meaning of individualism in an increasingly collectivist society, where our thoughts are not our thoughts but those infused in us by the media and the Collective Mind, and the very notion of free will becomes a distant memory. This is fiction that makes us think and makes us dream.” — Kenneth R. Timmerman, NY Times best-selling author of The Election Heist, and other books.
Reviews of Thought Criminal:
“Book Review: 'Thought Criminal' by Michael Rectenwald.” By Tamara Wilhite. HubPages. 23 June 2021.
“Thought Criminal - The Deplorable Prof’s new novel is an Orwellian allegory for the coronavirus era.” By Mark Tapson. Frontpage Mag. 2 December 2020.
“BOOK REVIEW: ‘Thought Criminal’ by Dr. Michael Rectenwald.” By Dr. Richard Swier. Dr.RichardSwier.com. 4 November 2020.
With Beyond Woke, Michael Rectenwald returns with his characteristic sharp wit and incisive analysis and continues to fine-tune his critique of modern leftism. In Beyond Woke, he brings his unique perspective as an ex-Marxist and civil libertarian to bear on leftist culture, with its abandonment of traditional morality and emphasis on collective social identities - which are ironically increasingly atomized, as overwhelming centrifugal forces break up any previously stable social cohesion. The revolution is here and it’s winning. Find out why, and how to combat it.
Praise for Bey0nd Woke:
“What you hold in your hand is a rare specimen indeed: the work of someone honest enough to rethink his entire ideology late in his career, when he stood to gain nothing by it. But in Beyond Woke we readers gain plenty: as a former academic leftist himself, Rectenwald knows the whole racket inside and out, and in this book he lays it bare in all its absurdity. If you thought you knew all about this, think again. You need to read Rectenwald.” — Tom Woods, senior fellow of the Mises Institute and host of The Tom Woods Show.
“Michael Rectenwald writes about woke mania with clarity and with a former insider’s deep knowledge of its intellectual roots, ideological assumptions, and corporate methods. He has produced an essential, enjoyable guide to the new collectivism.” — Janice Fiamengo, retired Professor of English, University of Ottawa, Canada; author of Sons of Feminism.
Reviews of Beyond Woke:
“The University-Industrial-Woke Complex.” Review of Beyond Woke. By Daniel Asia, Academic Questions 34, no. 3 (2021): 151–55. 23 August 2021. https://doi.org/10.51845/34.3.26.
“Beyond Woke: In a new book, the ‘Deplorable Prof’ dissects the Left’s new religion.” By Mark Tapson. Frontpage Mag. 2 October 2020
“Book Review of Michael Rectenwald's Beyond Woke.” By Venkataraman Ganesan. MyIndMakers. 16 September 2020.
“Woke Me When It’s Over.” (A Review of Beyond Woke). By David Clemens. The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. 11 September 2020.
“Plutocrats of the Left.” By David Solway. New English Review. August 2020.
Google Archipelago argues that Big Digital technologies and their principals represent not only economic powerhouses but also new forms of governmental power. The technologies of Big Digital not only amplify, extend, and lend precision to the powers of the state, they may represent elements of a new corporate state power.
Praise for Google Archipelago:
“When I read Springtime for Snowflakes and interviewed Michael Rectenwald, I recognized an extremely well-versed insider, a vital source confirming long-standing suspicions while deepening our understanding regarding the hijacking of American higher education by leftist indoctrination. An accomplishment in itself, Michael's analysis has taken a quantum leap in Google Archipelago, tracing leftist ideology to almost all quarters of society, including corporate America and particularly Big Tech, the leading edge of wokeness. With meticulous sourcing and literary eloquence, Rectenwald makes a compelling case that Big Digital represents a leftist authoritarianism, providing appendages for state control of populations, if not representing the makings of a new corporate state itself. Here, Rectenwald establishes himself as an innovative and important public intellectual whose original insights we would ignore at our peril.” — Glenn Beck, political commentator, radio host and television producer.
“Professor Rectenwald's insightful and illuminating book shows how and why Big Digital monopolies becomes ever more dictatorial as they select and control information and thus shape our thoughts and culture. Google Archipelago exhibits blatant double standards, egregious bias, politically motivated designations of fake news, and tilted search engine algorithms, all manifestations of ingrained authoritarian leftism. While totalitarian Marxism failed as state organization, it has succeeded as the Google Archipelago which systematically imposes globalist, identity-politics, gender-pluralist, transgender, anti-toxic-masculinist, anti-cisgender, anti-family, anti-nativist, anti-conventionalist, and anti-traditionalist leftism, blocking people and ideas that do not conform, making non-persons and non-facts of them. The ever expanding Big Digital acts governmentally, but its subjects have no rights, and no alternatives. Rectenwald shows how we are being carried along to our fate as prisoners of Google Marxism, or totalitarian corporate socialism, which is arriving as a fait accompli with no votes from us and no means to dissent. Don t say you haven’t been warned.” — Philip Carl Salzman, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, McGill University
Reviews of Google Archipelago:
“Google Archipelago: The digital gulag and the simulation of freedom.” By JAESA. iatranshumanisme.com. 7 May 2021.
“The Silicon Valley Gulag.” Review of Google Archipelago. By Jason Morgan. Mises Wire. Mises Institute. 12 December 2019.
“The Rise Of Tech Totalitarianism: Michael Rectenwald’s Google Archipelago.” By James Kirkpatrick. VDARE.com. 17 November 2019.
“The Google Archipelago: Imprisoned in Big Digital’s cyberspace gulag.” By Mark Tapson. FrontPageMag. 6 November 2019.
“Big Tech as Ideological Enforcer.” Just Vote No: Suggestions for Liberty. 21 October 2019.
“Book ‘Google Archipelago’ Exposes the growing threat of ‘Big Digital’ and ‘Corporate Marxism.’” By Dr. Rich Swier. Dr. Rich Swier. 11 October 2019.
“New Book: The Google Archipelago by Former NYU Prof. Dr. Michael Rectenwald @JennyHatch.” By Jenny Marie Hatch. Jenny Marie Hatch. 10 October 2019.
Springtime for Snowflakes: 'Social Justice' and Its Postmodern Parentage is a daring and candid memoir. NYU Professor Michael Rectenwald - the notorious @AntiPCNYUProf - illuminates the obscurity of postmodern theory to track down the ideas and beliefs that spawned the contemporary social justice creed and movement. In fast-paced creative non-fiction, Rectenwald begins by recounting how his Twitter capers and media exposure met with the swift and punitive response of NYU administrators and fellow faculty members. The author explains his evolving political perspective and his growing consternation with social justice developments while panning the treatment he received from academic colleagues and the political left.
Praise for Springtime for Snowflakes:
“This fiercely honest memoir will upset many people. Those who just attack its author over it (whether or not they've actually read it) will thereby reconfirm his point: that ‘social justice,’ as now preached and practiced on most campuses (and not just there) in the United States, is not a legacy of earlier mass movements for (real) social justice, but a religious creed with an effectively totalitarian agenda, birthed in the vast hothouse of postmodern theory. Here's hoping that this book will start real arguments, whether they elaborate its thesis, or modify it, or whatever else it takes to drive the counter-movement that all of us so very badly need.” — Mark Crispin Miller, NYU Professor of Media, Culture & Communication. Author of Boxed In: The Culture of TV, The Bush Dyslexicon: Observations on a National Disorder, and Fooled Again: The Real Case for Electoral Reform.
“This book may be the first of its kind--an academic's ‘tell all’ of the politicization and collapse of the American Academy. Once an Allen Ginsberg acolyte and leftist fellow traveler, Rectenwald exposes the intellectual origins and fundamental flaws of postmodernism, social justice, identity politics, and many other theories and ideologies of the modern left. Springtime for Snowflakes is the first direct challenge to the world of leftist deconstructionism in which safe spaces are everywhere and intellectualism and learning are slaves to rigid ideology, partisanship, and intolerance to alternative views.” — Daniel L. Mallock, Author of Agony and Eloquence: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and a World of Revolution.
Reviews of Springtime for Snowflakes:
“Book Review: Springtime for Snowflakes, By Michael Rectenwald.” By The Marginal Non-Hermit. The Marginal Non-Hermit. 10 October 2021.
“Review of Michael Rectenwald’s Springtime for Snowflakes.” By Kris Larsen. SAFS Newsletter. April 2020.
“Escape From Social Justice Warrior Hell.” A review of Springtime for Snowflakes. By Robert Wenzel. Target Liberty. 14 November 2019.
“Michael Rectenwald melts snowflakes.” By Leon Lemmer. praag.co.za. 20 July 2019.
“Springtime for Snowflakes (A Review”). By John Huckans. Book Source Magazine. May 2019.
“Springtime for Snowflakes: ‘Social Justice’ and Its Postmodern Parentage.” By Robert M. Whaples, Wake Forest University. The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy. Volume 23, Number 4. Spring 2019.
“Springtime for Snowflakes” by Dr. Rectenwald Provides an Insider's Look at the SJW Movement.” By James Heiser. New American. 19 March 2019.
“The Great Awokening: The Puritan Roots of the Social Justice Warrior.” By Jason M. Morgan. New Oxford Review. Volume LXXXVI. January-February 2019.
“Why you should read Springtime for Snowflakes.” Left Foot Media. 28 November 2018.
“Featured Read With Jameson Campaigne: Springtime for Snowflakes: ‘Social Justice’ and Its Postmodern Parentage.” By James Campaigne. On Point Mag., Vol. 1 No. 4. October 2018, p. 54.
“Springtime for Snowflakes II.” By Douglas Texter. Douglas Texter’s Higher Education Blog. 04 August 2018.
“Springtime for Snowflakes: An NYU Professor Takes On Academia’s “Social Justice Warriors.” By Julian Vigo. Public Discourse. 2 August 2018.
“Woke Alright: Review of Springtime for Snowflakes: Social Justice and Its Postmodern Parentage (An Academic Memoir) by Michael Rectenwald.” By James Como. New English Review. 1 August 2018.
“A Red-Pilled Professor’s Memoir.” By George Wick. LewRockwell.com. 30 July 2018.
“Springtime for Snowflakes: ‘Social Justice’ and Its Postmodern Parentage: A Review.” By Stephen Messenger. Areo. 30 July 2018.
“Springtime for Snowflakes: A professor’s memoir of the closing of the American mind.” Review by Mark Tapson. Frontpage Mag. 27 July 2018.
“Springtime for Snowflakes I.” Douglas Texter’s Higher Education Blog. By Douglas Texter. 27 July 2018.
“One of the most important public intellectuals out there.”
“Michael Rectenwald, one of the most brilliant minds today.”
“Michael is the most razor-sharp cultural commenter of our times.”
As I argued in October of 2022, Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter (now X) would represent an important test case for the freedom of speech on social media against the globalist, woke, and totalitarian agenda for the censorship of “hate speech,” “misinformation,” and “disinformation.”
As if we needed further confirmation, the recent and mysterious withdrawal of Joe Biden from the presidential race—issued in a post on X on Sunday July 21, not on official White House or presidential letterhead but rather under a “Joseph R. Biden, Jr.” masthead—is proof-positive that the “our democracy” mantra endlessly mouthed by establishment shills has been nothing but utter doublespeak and an attempt at mass deception. (Originally published on Substack. July 23, 2024.)
By calling the occurrence on July 13 the event, I do not at all mean to suggest that it was not an attempted assassination of Trump. I call it the event because, whatever its cause(s) and explanation(s), it has been immediately mobilized to further regime objectives and to displace regime criminality and horrors from the national and international consciousness.
In terms of immigration, what we are dealing with today—in the US and in Europe—is an intentionally state-induced, NGO-abetted, and leftist-approved trauma to society.
In the fall of 2016, I began to have deviationist thoughts. That’s how my thoughts might have been labeled in the Soviet Union anyway—that is, had I lived through the Red Terror, the Stalinist purges, or the Great Terror. In fact, I might have been characterized as a “right deviationist.” Although I wasn’t living in the Soviet Union, a cultural revolution had been getting underway at home, and I was about to step right into the whirlwind… (Published in Libertarian Autobiographies: Moving Toward Freedom in Today’s World. Jo Ann Cavallo and Walter E. Block, eds. Palgrave Macmillan. September 2023).
A bottom-up libertarian localism that rejects federal funding and resists centralized control is the only viable way to defeat the totalitarian left and to restore the American republic. (Originally published in Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture. October 1, 2023).
The Great Reset and how to stop it. Includes a nine-point plan for refusing the Great Reset. (Text from a talk delivered on April 22, 2023 at the Mises Institute event in Birmingham, Alabama dedicated to the global threat of "The Great Reset”.)
Rejecting The Great Reset — And Unearthing The Shadow Government | Over The Target
On digital identity on Unfiltered with Dan Bongino
Michael Rectenwald on digital identity, on The Ingraham Angle with Laura Ingraham
Recent Essays
Text of the talk delivered on September 9, 2023 at the Mises Institute event in Nashville, TN entitled “Against Our Limitless Regime: An Empire of Lies.”
(Presented at the American Freedom Alliance Conference: WWIII: The Early Years. April 23, 2023.)
Revisted EssayS
A specter is haunting the world: the increasing prospect of a new totalitarianism under the extended covid response. Unlike the specter of communism, or the specter of “dissent” to communist dictatorship that Václav Havel ironically identified in his groundbreaking essay “The Power of the Powerless,” this specter originates from those in power and not from the revolutionary or the powerless. And rather than haunting only Europe or Eastern Europe, this specter casts its long shadow across the future of all humanity, such that one wonders how one might plan, if at all, for this future. (Originally published on the Mises Wire. August 18, 2021.)
The Great Reset combines resets in all conceivable domains of human life: economic, environmental, geopolitical, governmental, industrial, technological, social, and individual. (Presented at "The Great Reset?" Hillsdale College's Center for Constructive Alternatives. Sunday, November 7, 2021, at 4 PM.)
Popular Interviews
Michael Rectenwald interviewed by Tucker Carlson - Fox News
Michael Rectenwald: The Great Reset Would Create a Global Socialism | CLIP
Google’s Government and the Digital Gulag | Michael Rectenwald | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 47
Key Presentations
“The Rise of Corporate Fascism.” Presented at Hillsdale College, Parallel Economies. November 13, 2022.
“What Is the Great Reset?” Presented at Hillsdale College, November 7, 2021.
Libertarianism(s) versus Postmodernism and "Social Justice" Ideology | Michael Rectenwald
“Google Marxism: Internet Ideology & and the Academics Who Perpetuate It”
Michael Rectenwald - Human Action in the Context of Covid
Michael Rectenwald - Take Human Action Bash 2021
Michael Rectenwald: Woke Capitalism
Dr. Michael Rectenwald is the author of twelve books, including The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda (Jan. 2023), Thought Criminal (a novel, 2020); Beyond Woke (May 2020); Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom (2019); Springtime for Snowflakes: “Social Justice” and Its Postmodern Parentage (an academic’s memoir, 2018); Nineteenth-Century British Secularism: Science, Religion and Literature (2016) and others.
Michael was a distinguished fellow at Hillsdale College and a Professor of Liberal Studies and Global Liberal Studies at NYU. He also taught at Duke University, North Carolina Central University, Carnegie Mellon University, and Case Western Reserve University. He holds a Ph.D. in Literary and Cultural Studies from Carnegie Mellon University, a Master's in English Literature from Case Western Reserve University, and a B.A. in English Literature from the University of Pittsburgh.
Michael has appeared on major network political talk shows (Tucker Carlson Tonight, Tucker Carlson Originals, Fox & Friends, Fox & Friends First, Varney & Company, The Glenn Beck Show), on syndicated radio shows (Coast to Coast AM, Glenn Beck, The Larry Elder Show, and many others), on The Epoch Times’ American Thought Leaders series, and on numerous podcasts (The Tom Woods Show, The Leighton Smith Podcast, Steel-on-Steel, The Carl Jackson Podcast, and many others).
Follow him on X (Twitter) @RecTheRegime.