OtheR Writing
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Short Fiction
by Michael Rectenwald
“Launching Pad.” Ducts: A Pipeline of Personal Stories. Issue 31. 01 June 2013.
“Vertigo,” “The Finish Line,” and “The Philosophy of Pure Sciences.” Alexandria Quarterly. Winter 2019.
“Degas’s Wax Horses" and “Stolen Lines.” Former People: A Journal of Bangs and Whimpers. 28 February 2014.
“The Eros of the Baby Boom Eras.” The New York Quarterly. Issue 44. 1991, p. 79.
“All The Beds in the County Are Full” and “Duffy.” Pig Iron. Issue 13. 1984.
Live Reading of some my earliest poetry at the student poetry reading of the Naropa Institute Spring Arts Festival, 1980. I was 20. Introduced by Allen Ginsberg as “the glorious mystic from Pittsburgh.”
Book Samples,
Personal essays, Interviews, etc.
“Eulogy for Audrey Rectenwald (January 20, 1925 – October 8, 2021).” MichaelRectenwald.com. 16 October 2021.
“‘It Isn’t Gonna Be That Way.’” MichaelRectenwald.com. 18 December 2019.
“Facing Bob Dylan.” MichaelRectenwald.com. 13 November 2019.
“I was a liberal NY prof, but when I said the left was going too far, colleagues called me a NAZI & treated me like a RUSSIAN SPY.” RT.com. 12 November 2019.
From Chapter 5: The Seduction of Theory. Excerpt from Springtime for Snowflakes: "Social Justice" and Its Postmodern Parentage. Nashville and London: New English Review Press. 2018, pp. 46-51.
Chapter 1: Introducing the @antipcnyuprof. Excerpt from Springtime for Snowflakes: “Social Justice and Its Postmodern Parentage. Nashville and London: New English Review Press. 2018, pp. 15-19.
“‘Have You Found the Place that Makes You Want to Swallow Its Rhetoric Whole?’” Quillette. 6 May 2017.
“Here's what happened when I challenged the PC campus culture at NYU.” Washington Post. 3 November 2016.
“Reading Around The Kids.” In Constance Coiner and Diana Hume George, eds. The Family Track: Keeping Your Faculties while You Mentor, Nurture, Teach, and Serve. University of Illinois Press (1998): 107-13.
“An Apprentice’s Appreciation: Learning and Growing as a Poet, With Allen Ginsberg for a Guide: A Eulogy for Allen Ginsberg.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 20 April 1997.
A DANGEROUS MINDS EXCLUSIVE: PREVIOUSLY UNPUBLISHED INTERVIEW WITH Allen Ginsberg, by Michael Rectenwald. In 1977, Michael Rectenwald was a disenchanted pre-med student with a secret passion for poetry—Allen Ginsberg and his influences in particular. After a couple of years of covertly consuming, studying and writing poems, he found his interest in medical school had entirely evaporated, so he left school and dove further into writing, eventually sending a letter and some of his poems to Ginsberg himself. Not only did Ginsberg write back, he invited Rectenwald to apprentice him at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado.
At one point late in Billy’s life, Michael Rectenwald—(poet, fiction writer and academic, who was at the time an apprentice to Allen Ginsburg at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado)—was placed in a sort of care-taking position for Billy—no easy task for a college student.