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The ReKT Reading & Writing Treehouse
The REKT Reading & Writing Treehouse is a community of like-minded, critical, insightful thinkers—writers, speakers and influencers—and a space for people who relish ideas. This forum is free from social media censorship and propaganda.
Join me in the Treehouse, a weekly discussion group. We examine your writing, provide feedback, and help to strengthen the expression of your arguments. In each 90-minute session, we treat the work of two Treehouse members, but members are not obligated to present any writing.
I bring my twenty-five years of university teaching and successful publishing experience to the table—to help you sharpen your writing, reading, and latest insights so they can penetrate the world and finally find their mark.
The Treehouse is now open for the summer 2024 season. The summer Treehouse begins on July 31. Meetings are held on Zoom.
Subscription to the group is $300 for twelve weekly discussions (Level 1). For my weekly written feedback, the subscription is $475 (Level 2). Reserve your membership now, as space is limited.
Join Now!
3-month subscription (twelve weeks)
**Treehouse Level 2**
3-month subscripion (twelve weeks)
“Before publishing the new edition of Political Ponerology I needed some feedback. Dr. Rectenwald’s Treehouse was the perfect solution. The participants came from all backgrounds, all writing in different genres and subject matters, and were an excellent source of feedback. For his part, Dr. Rectenwald created just the right atmosphere, bringing his decades of teaching experience to the fore. Whether it is fiction, screenwriting, editorial notes, technical writing, or anything in between, he knows writing—what works, what doesn’t—and what can be done to improve it. Highly recommended.”
“An incredibly varied group of curious people with wide-ranging interests across many domains. Genres ranging from poetry, fiction, political activism, personal development, religion, biography and economics. I appreciate how everyone dove into my writing and gave meaningful feedback in spite of it being in an area that some members may not have been exposed to before.”
“I was in a writing block — full of ideas, but equally full of anxiety — when I joined the Treehouse. This amazing community of committed truth-seekers helped me rediscover writing as a creative process and gave me the patience and the courage I needed. Now I feel I am regaining my flow, simply curious to discover how my essays might evolve, and grateful for having valuable feedback from people of so many backgrounds. It truly is a blessing to get to know each other.”
“I was not able to devote the time I would have liked because I’m a programmer (I could tell you a joke to illustrate, but I won’t). What time I was able spend being involved was very satisfying. Dr. Rectenwald is a teacher in the truest sense of the word, yet I felt we were all equals in our discussions. Thank you for the opportunity to be associated with such a fine group of people.”
“Of the Treehouse’s many delights, I’d say my two favorites were the eclectic content and the intellectual sophistication of the members. It was an unexpected pleasure to get to critique such a wide range of topics and genres—from a philosophical treatise to an “autoethnography” to a comedy screenplay to a fantasy novel with anthropomorphic characters. As for my fellow brainiacs, I very much appreciated the conscientious respect everyone extended to both the writings as well as each other.”
Join Now!
3-month subscription (twelve weeks)
Treehouse Level 2
3-month subscripion (twelve weeks)