Michael Rectenwald and Ron Paul
Photo taken at the Ron Paul Symposium, after a talk I gave right before the great Ron Paul.

On the Ingraham Angle, October 11, 2022
On the Ingraham Angle, October 11, 2022

The Great Reset and the Grand Refusal
Talk at the American Freedom Alliance Global Puppet Masters Conference, October 1, 2022.

Presentation on Google Archipelago to Microsoft
Michael speaks on Google Archipelago to the Conservatives and Libertarians of Microsoft (CLAMs). June 16, 2022.

With Glenn Beck, Episode 47
On with Glenn Beck for Episode 47 of The Glenn Beck Podcast.

On Tucker Carlson Tonight
On Tucker Carlson Tonight. We laughed, we cried.

With Jordan Peterson
With Jordan Peterson at the Common Sense gala. January 28, 2022.

Interview with Glenn Beck
My longest and best interview, thanks to Glenn Beck.

With Steve Doocy
With Steve Doocy after second Fox & Friends appearance. I’ve been on the show three times, so far.

On Beck Radio
On Beck Radio

With Candace Owens.
At Fox News with Candace Owens. Our segments were back-to-back. What a pleasure meeting her.

Speaking at Mises Institute
Speaking at the Mises Institute as the Ludwig von Mises Memorial Speaker

John Derbyshire of Vdare with Google Archipelago
John Derbyshire of Vdare with Google Archipelago to explain the new global corporatism in his interview of Michelle Malkin.

With members of "The Five"
With three of what were then “The Five” hosts.

On Tucker Carlson Tonight
On Tucker Carlson Tonight hosted by Tammy Bruce.

Thought Criminal Book Launch
Thought Criminal Book Launch

Robert Carrillo reading The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty

Nicolau Leal Werneck read The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty

Sam Hill reading The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty

Daniel Donnelly reading The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty

Biff Zeppe reading The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty

Jeffrey Wilder reading The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty

Jessica Sanchez, Thought Criminal
Jessica sent me this photo just before she closed her Facebook account. I hope to hear from her again, somehow.

Michelle Popowsky Spring Reading Imprimis
Michelle Popowsky Spring reading my essay “What Is The Great Reset?” in Hillsdale College’s Imprimis.

Robert Carrillo: Thought Criminal
Robert Carrillo: Thought Criminal

Mike Keenan, Thought Criminal
Mike Keenan, Thought Criminal

Hal Gill is a Thought Criminal
Hal Gill is a Thought Criminal

Elzbieta Adamczyk is a Thought Criminal!
Elzbieta Adamczyk is a Thought Criminal!

Jeffrey Milner reading Thought Criminal

Michael Itzo is a Thought Criminal
Michael Itzo is a Thought Criminal

Timothy Corlett, Thought Criminal
Timothy Corlett, Thought Criminal

Denise Blaho Booher, Thought Criminal
Denise Blaho Booher, Thought Criminal

Robert Carillo in Thought Criminal Hoodie
Robert Carillo in Thought Criminal Hoodie

The sun is Beyond Woke!
The sun is Beyond Woke!

Jessica Durant is Beyond Woke!
Jessica Durant is Beyond Woke!

Genevieve Malandra is Beyond Woke!
Genevieve Malandra is Beyond Woke!

Mark Inman, reading Beyond Woke!
Mark Inman, reading Beyond Woke!

Jessica Durant reading Beyond Woke.
Jessica Durant reading Beyond Woke.

Woke? Beyond Woke!
Woke? Beyond Woke!

Robert Carrillo
Robert Carrillo

Fred Klett is Beyond Woke!
Fred Klett is Beyond Woke!

Mike Anthony is Beyond Woke!
Mike Anthony is Beyond Woke!

Kristie Pelletier is Beyond Woke!
Kristie Pelletier is Beyond Woke!

Riccardo De Benedetti's copy of Beyond Woke in front of works by Milanese artist Emilio Tadini
Riccardo De Benedetti's copy of Beyond Woke in front of works by Milanese artist Emilio Tadini

Terry Black Sanders
Terry Black Sanders is Beyond Woke!

Tom Cunningham reading Beyond Woke!
Tom Cunningham reading Beyond Woke!

David Benning is Beyond Woke
David Benning is Beyond Woke

Rikki Schlott reading Google Archipelago
Rikki Schlott reading Google Archipelago

Tina Fisk Reading Google Archipelago!
Tina Fisk Reading Google Archipelago!

Before Ludwig von Mises

Todd Klimson
Todd Klimson has read this book and knows it thoroughly.
Jessica Durant
Jessica Durant mesmerized by Springtime for Snowflakes.

Geeta P. Loke
Geeta P. Loke loves Springtime for Snowflakes.

Alaura K. Blackstone
Alaura K. Blackstone lovingly holding Springtime for Snowflakes. Somehow it seems like a better book for this.

Hillrose Del Rio
Hillrose Del Rio loving Springtime for Snowflakes.

Nancy Neal
Nancy Neal devours Springtime for Snowflakes.

Greg Wilson
Greg Wilson freaking over Springtime for Snowflakes.

Dan Verner
Dan Verner reading Springtime for Snowflakes.

Mike Keenan
inoculating the youth against the pernicious ideology euphemistically called “social justice.”

Daniel Broudy
Daniel Broudy reading Springtime for Snowflakes.

Natalie Fawn Danelishen (nod)
Mises genius Natalie Fawn Danelishen.

Michael Mars
Michael Mars proudly displaying his copy of Springtime for Snowflakes.

Buddy Loves Springtime for Snowflakes!
Buddy Heshler!

Tina Fisk Listening to Audio Version of STSF
Tina Fisk Listening to Audio Version of Springtime for Snowflakes

Frank Beal Prefer Nineteenth-Century British Secularism
Frank Beal prefers my Nineteenth-Century British Secularism: Science, Religion, and Literature!

Frank Beal with Academic Writing, Real World Topics
Thanks, Frank!

Mario Diana loves Springtime for Snowflakes!
Mario Diana loves Springtime for Snowflakes!

Inscription by Lew Rockwell of his new book, Against the Left.
Inscription by Lew Rockwell of his new book, Against the Left.

Terri Tracey Harrah
Terri Tracey Harrah Reads Springtime For Snowflakes

The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty, number one in globalization

GR number 2 in Fascism

Thought Criminal #4 and #8
Thought Criminal #4 and #8

Thought Criminal #5 in New Release in Technothrillers
Thought Criminal #5 in New Release in Technothrillers

Thought Criminal #10 New Release in Technothrillers
Thought Criminal #10 New Release in Technothrillers

Thought Criminal #20 Hot New Release in Techno-thrillers
Thought Criminal #20 Hot New Release in Techno-thrillers

Beyond Woke, #1 in Politics of Privacy & Surveillance
Beyond Woke, #1 in Politics of Privacy & Surveillance on Amazon.

Number one in politics of surveillance
Number one in politics of surveillance

Beyond Woke, #! in Radical Thought
Beyond Woke, #! in Radical Thought

Google Archipelago #1 in HCI
Google Archipelago #1 in Human-Computer Interaction.

Google Archipelago, #1 in HCI.
Google Archipelago, #1 in HCI,

Google Archipelago: #1 in censorship
Google Archipelago, #1 in censorship—and it’s not even out yet.

Google Archipelago Audio Book #1 New Release HCI
Google Archipelago Audio Book #1 New Release in Human-Computer Interaction

Number One in Communism and Socialism on Amazon
Number one in Communism and Socialism on Amazon. Not bad for a book about leaving the left.

Springtime for Snowflakes: Back to #1 in Communism & Socialism
I love the irony.

Springtime for Snowflakes, #99 out of all Amazon books!
Springtime for Snowflakes, #99 out of all Amazon books!

Google Archipelago, ranking

Springtime for Snowflakes Number 78 of All Books on Amazon!
Springtime for Snowflakes Number 78 of All Books on Amazon!

Google Archipelago #299 of all books on Amazon
Google Archipelago #299 of all books on Amazon, #1 Communism-Socialism.

Beyond Woke #321 out of all books on Amazon
Beyond Woke #321 out of all books on Amazon—Amazon rankings.
