
by Michael Rectenwald

This is what ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ is all about: it’s about drafting ‘others’ into roles of global leadership so that these new elites can impose the global agenda on their own populations. It’s not ‘Western’ imperialism anymore.
— November 23, 2023.
There is no climate emergency. The emergency is that elites have declared war on us using this and any number of other false pretenses.
— October 11, 2022
The virus is just a pretext for total control, as it was in the U.S. and everywhere else. China is just the test tube for the globalist experiment.
— October 10, 2022
Woke capitalism is what happens when socialist social democracy grows to such proportions as to make profiting nearly impossible without political approval.
— May 10, 2022.
Woke capitalism is a monopoly game, and not just the game of woke Monopoly.
— February 13, 2022.
Wokeness is a ruling elite ideology & leftists who promote it are nothing but tools of the ruling class. This goes for socialists too.
— March 5, 2022.
Academic freedom: It’s great, as long as you don’t use it.
— October 30, 2016.
‘Nothing is more important than that our fellow students feel safe.’ Not even an education.
— Beyond Woke, 2020.
The ‘radical’ academic left is really a mob of conformist groupthink zombies.
— Beyond Woke, 2020.
Close your eyes & imagine a world full of self-replicating little Stalins.

Now open your eyes.

You live in that world.

It’s called social justice & the little Stalins are SJWs.

SJW = Stalin, Just Weirder.
— March 18, 2018.
As diversity extends its reign, everything becomes the same.
— January 30, 2018.
Socialism is just an ideology used by monopolists to eliminate competition.
— April 5, 2019
Socialism is not a plan to overcome the ruling class and establish the collective ownership of the means of production. It is a plan to consolidate the ownership of the means of production in the hands of the oligarchy, with the masses as ‘equal.’
— February 28, 2018
Socialism is monopoly by another name. It is an uber monopoly. Like state socialism, corporate socialism also involves monopoly; corporate socialism establishes corporate monopolies at the top and ‘actually-existing socialism’ for everyone else. Corporate socialism is the goal of the left of capital or the corporate left.
— July 27, 2020
When you hear the phrase ‘the greater good,’ you are in the grip of totalitarianism.
— May 31, 2021.
Gender is not a social construction. The social construction is the idea that gender is a social construction.
— December 2, 2017.
The word ‘gender’ should never have been introduced to describe anything associated with human sex difference. Blame John Money for this lunacy.
— Beyond Woke, 2020.
Problem: We live in a patriarchy. Solution: Make men into women. New problem: Men running feminism etc. (How feminists cooked their own soup.).
— Beyond Woke, 2020.
What is more likely, a bevy of transgender people were suppressed for millennia, or a cultural wave of transmania has ensued in recent years?
— Beyond Woke, 2020.
Authoritarian leftists need the ‘dangerous’ to justify their control and to disguise it as benevolence.
— Beyond Woke, 2020.
Given a choice, people will generally prefer chaos to the ordered chains of tyranny.
— Springtime for Snowflakes, 2018
Intersectionality, the playing field of the Oppression Olympics: On your mark ...
— March 7, 2018.
Political correctness is a code to silence dissent as Western society is razed. The culture wars will erupt into violence, pitting those who defend Western values vs. leftists, their ‘allies,’ & the rulers who want to consign western civilization to oblivion.
— February 21, 2018
Snowflake totalitarians weaponize their fragility in order to eradicate others’ rights, saying your speech makes them ‘unsafe’ while their comrades burn down buildings.
— May 28, 2021
If you’re hearing dog whistles, maybe you’re a dog.
— — July 18, 2019.
Every noble-sounding phrase causes me immediate suspicion.
— May 15, 2019.
Beyond Feminism for Men: Toward a New Mating Strategy for Beta Cuckolds.
— April 24, 2019.
Moral outrage is the contemporary (il)liberal’s favorite pastime.
— December 12, 2017.
The ‘micro-aggression’ finders will soon find their safe spaces implode when their own aggressions and totalitarianism are exposed. Stay tuned.
— May 28, 2017.
Marx(ism): first as tragedy, then as farce.
— October 14, 2017.
If Gillette really believed in toxic masculinity, they wouldn’t berate men about it while selling them razor blades.
— January 15, 2019.
Red-pilling isn’t the right-wing-ing of a person but their unlocking from left self-righteousness and ideologically-blinkered obeisance to authoritarianism. It’s freedom from the matrix of mass indoctrination.
— September 13, 2017.
So much contemporary social science and humanities ‘scholarship’ consists of nothing more than thinly-veiled political propaganda, and/or elaborate virtue-signaling rituals.
— January 7, 2019.
Just when I thought our culture had reached the nadir, it gets worse. It’s as if history is running downhill.
— February 12, 2019.
The new patriarchy: ppl w/penises dominating women’s sports, spaces, & feminism.
— Beyond Woke, 2020.
(Trans)gender theory = contemporary Lysenkoism.
— August 9, 2017.
The shaming techniques that the Left engages in — callout culture, self-criticism, privilege checking, etc. — all have Maoism as their provenance.
— May 16, 2017.
Someone just told me, ‘No one takes your bullshit seriously.’ My answer was, ‘No one has even heard of your bullshit, so there.’
— April 3, 2017.
The rightwing-leftwing axis means nothing to me. Are they totalitarians or not? Totalitarianism is my enemy.
— April 30, 2019.
Diversity is a code word for uniformity of thought.
— March 6, 2018
Playing the victim cloaks a surreptitious will to power.
— April 26, 2017.
The main suffering derived from climate change is the psychological distress endured by believers in it.
— November 7, 2019
If I were a preacher, I might say to the catastrophist left: the heat you’re sensing is not from global warming; it’s the encroachment of hell.
— March 6, 2019.
If someone I know identifies as a dog, I am not letting them sit at the dining room table any longer. They will eat out of a bowl on the floor.
— May 5, 2017
First the left translated Marxism into identity politics. Now with the Black Lives Matter movement, they’re translating identity politics back into Marxism.
— June 15, 2020
When an anti-fascist looks in the mirror, they are looking at a fascist.
— June 17, 2020
What terrifies me about socialism-communism isn’t primarily the inevitable economic ruin that it brings, horrific though that must be. What terrifies me is the totalitarian control, the destruction of individual autonomy, the extirpation of individual rights, and the collectivist insanity that ensues. Thus, we are already undergoing a socialist-communist revolution in the United States and experiencing what I see as the most horrendous aspect of socialism-communism, as we speak
— June 25, 2020
I’m documenting all the craziness for future generations, in case there are any.
— August 30, 2017
The truth is so outrageous that it seems impossible. The lies are so great that they pose as the truth.
— July 10, 2020
The only good thing about the Left is that it eats its own. But not fast enough.
— March 27, 2019
Corporate leftists aim to abolish all but corporate monopolies and use the socialist Left to help them accomplish it.
— July 27, 2020
In this postmodern simulacrum called ‘the world,’ I choose to retain ‘truth,’ ‘objectivity,’ ‘reality,’ ‘freedom,’ and ‘the free market’ as values that we approach, if only asymptotically. If we surrender these to the willy-nilly, anything goes ethos of postmodern post-truthism, then that ‘anything’ will be the desiderata of the powerful, to which we will have forfeited our last remaining defenses.
— July 29, 2020
I hope liberty is building up, almost unnoticed, and will soon burst through the dam in a flood of freedom.
— August 11, 2020
Those who see themselves as on the ‘right side of history’ create the myth of history’s trajectory.
— August 17, 2020
It’s been a post-truth world since Kant. It just took the media 300 years to catch on and start producing nothing but non-reality.
— August 17, 2020
Nothing lacks diversity more than academia, a veritable echo chamber for indoctrination and anti-intellectualism. Academia is a complete shit hole.
— September 9, 2020
We’re already living in a communist country. If you don’t believe that, try going onto a college campus and professing faith in another doctrine.
— September 21, 2020.
Leftists dance like marionettes attached to strings pulled by globalist billionaires. The irony would be laughable were its effects not so deleterious.
— October 10, 2020.
Romantic utopianism is the opiate of the leftists.
— February 28, 2018
Utopianism is totalitarianism in waiting.
— October 13, 2020
Leftists believe in sacrificing individuals to establish the collective good — even if they have to kill all the individuals to do so.
— April 29, 2018
I deplore all forms of totalitarianism. But leftist totalitarianism has killed many more millions than any other kind.
— January 24, 2018
It’s also characteristic of totalitarian regimes to make useful idiots repeat patent absurdities.
— July 6, 2022
‘Fake news’ does not get to the bottom of the media problem. ‘Fake reality’ does.
— October 21, 2019
The more dangerous virus infecting America is not biological but ideological. This virus turns people into mutant miscreants sick with envy, hatred, mass delirium, homicidal ideation, and violent tendencies, accompanied by an irrational belief in their own moral superiority.
— October 2, 2020
The thing about totalitarianism is that it accelerates as it goes down. And when expression is driven underground, we all become thought criminals.
— January 12, 2021
Who would have thought: a virus escapes a communist country and half of another country, including most of those in power, catches communism.
— January 12, 2021
Everyone worried about the economic aspects of socialism. They forgot about the totalitarianism part.
— January 12, 2021
It’s as if the ruling elite uses Nietzsche & Foucault as a playbook & reifies the notion that truth is a function of the most plausible narratives as determined by power. Our epistemic aporia is severe.
— February 16, 2021
Remember those who thought cancel culture was merely a peculiarity in the mostly harmless culture wars, and not the beginnings of a Stalinist purge?
— February 11, 2021
The Left’s dependence on catastrophism can’t be overstated. Without some looming or present catastrophe to use as a pretext for their interventionist schemes, leftists would have nothing.
— February 19, 2021
Leftist catastrophism: Horse shit is going to bury us alive. Overpopulation is going to cause world starvation. The ozone layer is full of holes; we’re gonna roast. Global warming will kill us in twelve years. The catastrophist left wants apocalypse more than any millennialist Christians.
— Beyond Woke, 2020.
Ironically, it is the socialists who, in their disdain for competition, aid and abet the formation of monopolies and a static economic hierarchy.
— March 7, 2021
The senseless and life-crushing covid mandates would be impossible without indoctrination in the schools. Schools are the state’s factories for producing docile imbeciles.
— May 7, 2021
The ‘educated’ are actually the most indoctrinated; that’s why they believe the lies.
— May 22, 201
My advice to myself: Be yourself; there is no other you. Don’t perform and achieve in order to accept and be happy with yourself. Accept and be happy with yourself and let your performance flow out of that self-acceptance and happiness. Don’t hold yourself to an imaginary standard; the standard is you..
— December 22, 2021
Noble-sounding abstractions like ‘economic equality,’ ‘social justice,’ and ‘the universal emancipation of humanity’ have been some of the most pernicious expressions in human history.
— May 23, 2021
Leftists are the predestinarians—and the predestined—of the secular world.
— "What is Le Point de Capiton of Leftist Ideology?"
But the divide that matters is not between left and right but rather between those who will end up being agents of the regime and those whom they will hunt and turn over to the regime—between the sentinels of surveillance and control and the resisters of total control.
— June 16, 2021
‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’: this is the new language of totalitarianism. When you hear these words be ready for surveillance, punishment of the ‘privileged’, sacrifice of national citizens to global interests, and the labeling as ‘dangerous’ and marking for (virtual) elimination those supposed members or leaders of ‘hate groups’ who oppose such measures.
— Google Archipelago (2019)
How dare the left have pretensions of moral superiority. Leftists in power have mass-murdered and imprisoned more people than any other contingent in political history. Don’t come around here acting morally superior to me or anyone else, you monsters.
— August 1, 2018.
The socialist-communist foot soldiers neither recognize the socialist-communist revolution when it comes, nor descry its totalitarian character—for they are willing victims who end up clamoring for totalitarianism.
— August 8, 2021