The Event and What It Reveals

For reasons that this essay should make clear, I have not indulged in much speculation regarding the event that happened in (nearby) Butler, PA on Saturday, July 13, 2024. The explanations of the event have included the following: a lonely, bullied, alienated, skinny Bethel Park, PA, kid seeking fame/infamy to rescue his life from meaningless obscurity,[1] accompanied and made possible by the incompetence of the Secret Service and local police; an unstable loner turned into an assassin by incendiary political rhetoric from the Democrats and its media mouthpieces; an inside job (MIHOP or LIHOP) engineered by deep-state Democrats in league with the Secret Service using an MKUltra’d asset; a staged theater/psyop/fear porn display meant to intimidate and finalize totalitarian rule, and so on. This list is not exhaustive and not all of these theories are necessarily mutually exclusive.

By calling the occurrence on July 13 the event, I do not at all mean to suggest that it was not an attempted assassination of Trump. I call it the event because, whatever its cause(s) and explanation(s), it has been immediately mobilized to further regime objectives and to displace regime criminality and horrors from the national and international consciousness. These objectives and displacements include but are not limited to the ongoing mass assassinations in the Gaza Strip; the potential for nuclear war with Russia; the choice by Trump of J.D. Vance as his V.P. running mate and its implications for the war on Gaza and the Zionist lobby’s continued and expanded control over the U.S. government and its citizens; and the utterly deteriorated political landscape that the event at once reveals and obscures. For the right, all these elements are displaced by a belief that whatever its subterranean machinations, including the assassination attempt itself, an heroic and iconic figure (Trump) can and has endured endless trials and tribulations to depose the regime:

For the left, on the other hand, Trump’s survival represents the recalcitrance of white supremacism, xenophobia, transphobia, nationalism, fascism, Nazism, etc.

Both left and right believe that they oppose a dictatorship—the one represented by Trump and the other represented by his opposition. But, as I will show below, only the right is right on this score. The left has truly totalitarian aspirations. Yet the lionization/demonization of Trump is nevertheless and to some extent a false dichotomy.

The Convergence of Left and Right

To demonstrate this point, let’s now consider the political alignments and strange bedfellows the event has revealed. For example, on the one hand, we have Corey Comperatore, the otherwise unknown former firefighter and Trump supporter, who was killed by a stray bullet in the event, and whose last words, according to his wife Helen, were “get down!” Naturally, he protected his wife and children and took a bullet that might have otherwise hit one of them. Ironically, perhaps, his last words are what the regime means to say to us all: Get down, or we will put you down.

On the other hand, we have the epitome of a despicable and deranged “liberal” (illiberal leftist/totalitarian wannabe)—one “Destiny” (@TheOmniLiberal on X, real name Steven Kenneth Bonnell II )—an otherwise no less obscure nobody who has risen to Internet fame/infamy by “virtue” of his insidious podcast and vile X remarks. He’s even been recognized and interviewed by Jordan Peterson and with Benny Morris has debated Norman Finkelstein and Mouin Rabbani, where he was shown to be completely out of his depth. Below, Destiny is pictured to the right of some of what he’s had to say about the death of Mr. Comperatore on X:

This diminutive “man” is a Braveheart keyboard warrior whom Mr. Comperatore could no doubt have disposed of with a brisk brush of his left hand, assuming that Comperatore was right-handed.

Despite their obvious differences, however, Mr. Comperatore and Destiny shared one rather significant political belief: an unqualified support for the Israeli onslaught on Gaza Strip and the utter destruction of the inhabitants thereof. Destiny has openly announced that he is “pro-genocide” where the Palestinians are concerned. Meanwhile, on October 28, 2023, Comperatore posted the following on X:

It may be unfair to Comperatore’s memory to cite this X post, because, given the ensuing evidence, he may have later changed his view. But the pairing of these apparent antipodes shows that the Hegelian dialectical schema has been in play and that there’s a convergence of these allegedly polar opposite characters where particular major geopolitical realties are concerned—in this case, a convergence in their Zionism:

How is it that two such alleged political opponents have held the same view regarding Israel? Could it be that, in this respect at least, both “sides” are socio-political constructs fabricated by the same forces? Both sides have been politically ponerized[2] around Zionism/Semitic supremacism. Both believed, at one point at least, in the “right” of Israel to completely destroy the Palestinian people.

The Left is Sick, Much Sicker than the Right

Nevertheless, the opposition of Destiny and Comperatore, of left and right, are real—just as all social constructs are real. They are no less real for being socially and politically constructed as such. The opposition and differences have been proven real by the event, by the loss of Comperatore’s life, and by Destiny’s deplorable statements about his murder. Here’s another bizarre and disgusting example of the latter:

Here, Destiny makes clear that his hatred for the domestic political opposition is even greater than his Zionist disdain for the Palestinians. Why is this so?

The left is a fully ponerized political contingent that has completely absorbed the pathological characteristics of the ruling pathocracy.[3]The right retains a mostly normal morality, as evidenced by Comperatore’s response of protecting his family during the event. By contrast, Destiny has suggested in an X post I can no longer bother to find that he wouldn’t shed a tear if his own father had been killed at a Trump rally.

We must get to the root on this ponerization and excise it from the social body.

  1. The obscurity of Thomas Matthew Crooks may be belied by his appearance in a BlackRock, Inc ad 2022.

  2. “When something or someone has become ‘Ponerized’ in its strictest sense, it means that the person or group can no longer make the distinction between healthy and pathological thought processes and logic. One is no longer able to draw a line between correct thinking and deviant thinking.”

  3. “A system of government created by a small pathological minority that takes control over a society of normal people (from Political Ponerology).”

TheAntiPCProf .